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Welcome to DGA Personal Growth Solutions, where your success is our mission. Led by Don Goertz, a certified DISC Behavioural Consultant with 40 years of real estate experience, we empower sales professionals to achieve their goals.

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From Broker-Manager to Training Facilitator, our journey is about helping others discover what truly matters to them. We believe in guiding, not dictating, so you can find the path that best fits your unique style and aspirations.

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With decades of experience in real estate, we bring a wealth of knowledge to support your growth. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, we offer tailored assessments and training courses to enhance your skills.

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Since 1984, I have worked in Real Estate as a REALTOR, Manager, Broker Owner, and Facilitator where I have been able to help many build successful careers. .

Nowadays you will still find me active as a REALTOR or trying to keep up with Sonya. I'm always searching for the next great coffee shop and I never seem to be able to quench my thirst for learning more and discovering more on how to know ourselves better.

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Lead Generation

Mastering the Art of Real Estate Prospecting: Strategies for new Agents

April 19, 20238 min read

“Prospecting: Find the man with the problem!” - Benjamin M. Friedman

What is Prospecting?

Prospecting is the process of identifying and contacting potential clients. It's a crucial part of the real estate business. Still, it can be challenging for new agents to get started independently.

This article will examine prospecting and why it's vital for your business. We'll also go over some strategies for how you can start building your own prospecting plan so that you can start generating leads in no time!

Identifying Your Target Audience

To create a successful prospecting plan, you need to know who you are trying to reach and what they want. 

  • Your target audience. This is the most essential piece of information for creating a prospecting plan. If you don't know who your ideal client is, how can you expect them to find you? Real estate agents must have a clear picture of their ideal customers before marketing themselves or their business online. This will help guide all future decisions related to marketing activities such as blogging or social media campaigns because it gives them to focus on what content should be created based on the needs of their ideal clientele rather than "what feels right" (which often leads down dead ends).

  • Understanding your target market: Once an agent has identified which segment(s) of buyers/sellers they want as clients, it's time for some research! We recommend conducting at least two types of research--primary vs secondary--to get started:

  • -Primary Research: This type involves talking directly with potential customers through surveys/interviews, such as asking why certain kinds of homes appeal more than others; what features are most important when buying/selling houses; where do these people shop for home improvement projects etc.? The goal here is gaining insight into what matters most and building trust between yourself and potential clients so that when those folks see advertisements later down the line (like banner ads), the trust may already be established between both parties, making conversion rates higher overall."

Developing Your Prospecting Plan

To have a successful prospecting plan, you must set your goals and objectives. It would be best to create a timeline for success by determining how much time you can dedicate each week or month towards prospecting activities. Then, choose the resources needed (i.e., money) to achieve those goals and objectives.

Once you've done this groundwork, it's time to decide how best to spend your time as an agent: Are there specific areas that need more attention than others? What types of clients will be most likely interested in working with someone like yourself? Where do these potential clients hang out online so real estate agents like yourself can find them more easily? Finally, and critical to your plan is to commit a specific amount of time you will spend in your prospecting activity. When you are first getting started, this is your primary objective. To Prospect. 

Creating Your Prospecting Materials

  • Create a website. Your website is your first impression on prospective clients, so it's important to ensure it looks professional and conveys your personality. If you don't have any design skills, consider hiring someone who does to help create a site for you. WordPress is an excellent place to start--it's free and easy-to-use software that allows anyone with basic computer skills (and even those without them) to set up their own site in minutes. 

  • Develop brochures or flyers that showcase your services and qualifications as an agent; these can be used at networking events or handed out while prospecting door-to-door. 

  • Create a mailing list by asking people if they'd like updates from time to time about real estate news in their area or updates about homes listed nearby. Joe Niego, a successful realtor from Chicago, has what he calls the mayor campaign. Basically, he asks people he meets if they have a Realtor. If the answer is no, he asks if he could be theirs. Then he gathers contact info and starts to build relationships. 

  • Consider joining social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter to reach potential clients.

Developing an Effective Prospecting Strategy

  • Developing an effective prospecting strategy is the first step in building a real estate business. It's also one of the most challenging parts of being a new agent because it involves cold calling and knocking on doors. This can be particularly challenging if you're not good at talking to strangers. But there are ways around that! Here's how:

  • Build your database of people you know. To make this practical, you will need a CRM (Customer Relation Management) program. It can be as simple as a Google spreadsheet or one specifically designed for Realtors or sales. I think the best CRM is the one you will use.

  • From your CRM, you can create email campaigns. - You can start by emailing people you know or those who have expressed interest in buying or selling their home that has indicated they would like info from you. This way, when they get around to contacting someone about their real estate needs, they will already have some information about who you are and the service you are providing. 

  • Developing relationships - After establishing yourself as someone who knows what they are doing through email campaigns and other outreach methods like social media posts and direct mail pieces sent directly into people's mailboxes (or even hand delivered), you should begin reaching out personally by phone calls or even face-to-face meetings if possible! This way, if anyone has any questions regarding their situation, then now would be a perfect time since no one else has provided an answer.

  • Utilizing Social Media - Social media platforms such as Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest, etcetera provide an excellent opportunity for connecting with potential customers who may need assistance finding suitable properties. Offering valuable information to your target audience will help build credibility and trust with your ideal client.  

Tracking and Analyzing Your Prospecting Efforts

Tracking and analyzing your prospecting efforts is crucial in creating a successful plan. You'll want to track how many leads you're generating, where they're coming from and what kind of response rate you're getting.

To do this, you can use an Excel spreadsheet or Google Sheets document that tracks each lead by date and source (e.g., "Facebook Ads," "LinkedIn," etc.). In addition, you can download a link to our activity tracker by following this link. This will help you see which sources are working best for you so that when it comes time to allocate funds for advertising campaigns later in the year or quarter, you know where to focus them first!

Also, evaluate your success by tracking the number of leads that convert into actual appointments.

Tips for Prospecting Success

  • Stay organized

  • Set realistic expectations

  • Leverage technology

Common Prospecting Mistakes to Avoid

There are many common mistakes that new agents make when they're prospecting. Here are some of the most common:

  • Not setting goals. Prospecting is all about numbers, so you must plan how many prospects you want to contact each week or month. This will help keep you motivated when things get tough and ensure that you're making progress toward your long-term goals.

  • Failing to track leads. You should always know where your leads are coming from!

  • Not following up with prospects regularly enough after initial contact has been made via phone call or email; failure here causes us as agents not only to lose out on potential deals but also miss out on building relationships with people who could become good friends over time if we just kept up with them more often than not!

Getting the Most Out of Your Prospecting Plan

You've got a plan; now it's time to get down to business. Here are some tips for making your prospecting plan work:

  • Developing relationships - Prospecting is all about building relationships with people who may not know you yet but could be great clients. Treating them with respect and courtesy while also showing that you're serious about helping them solve their problems or achieve their goals is essential.

  • Leveraging technology - Technology has made it easier for real estate agents (and other businesses) to connect with potential customers online through social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter and websites such as LinkedIn, where people can post their contact information so others can reach out quickly.


In conclusion, here are some key points to keep in mind when creating your own prospecting plan:

  • Prospecting is an essential part of the real estate agent's job. It's not just about getting listings; it's also about finding new clients who will become repeat customers and referrals for you.

  • A prospecting plan should be tailored to your personal style, business goals and current client base. Still, there are some common elements that all plans should include: identifying target markets and demographics, determining what types of properties they want to buy (or sell); planning how you'll reach them with marketing materials like flyers, direct mail pieces or social media posts; setting up appointments with potential buyers/sellers at their homes so they can see how well their needs align with yours as an agent before making any commitments.

  • When writing out your strategy for each month ahead (or quarter), make sure there's enough flexibility built into each step so that if something unexpected comes up--like a family emergency or last-minute trip--you won't have too much trouble adjusting course midstream without losing momentum altogether!

Was this helpful? Let us know. Are you ready to transform your real estate career and skyrocket to success? It's up to you to implement your plan, so ask yourself, "What is the next step I need to take?" Then do it. And as a bonus, download our FREE eBook, "Rookie to Rainmaker: How to Build a Successful Real Estate Career," today. Uncover 8 key areas to grow and focus on, and get expert insights and practical tips to elevate your game and leave the competition in the dust. So don't wait – your journey to becoming a real estate rainmaker starts NOW. Click the link to download your copy and begin your incredible journey to success! 

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Don Goertz

Don Goertz - Mentor - Coach to Realtors, Don focuses on helping you understand your own personal style and how to make adjustments and better serve your clients

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